Locks and Inverts Silks
Step-by-step tutorials for various locks and inverts, all levels.
Locks and Inverts Silks
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StartCalf Lock (2:10)
StartCreating a Spin (1:22)
StartEgg Beater Footlock (3:34)
StartEgg Beater Footlock Alternative Entry (3:51)
StartEngaging Your Shoulders (1:16)
StartFigure of 8 Footlock (4:41)
StartFigure of 8 Footlock Air (3:25)
StartFigure of 8 Footlock Double (3:04)
StartFlamenco Grip (3:27)
StartHip Lock aka Hip Key (3:43)
StartHip Lock Baby (2:39)
StartHip Lock Invert Entry (4:45)
StartHip Lock Russian Climb Entry (2:06)
StartHolding The Silks (1:11)
StartHooking Your Knee (1:37)
StartKnot Climbing Into Sitting On The Knot (3:12)
StartKnot Straddle (3:05)
StartKnot Straddle - Sitting (3:22)
StartKnot Tying and Untying Using Your Hands (3:14)
StartKnot Tying Using Your Feet (3:52)
StartKnot Up And Over Mount - Sitting and Sitting - Up And Over Dismount (5:11)
StartKnot Up And Over Mount Variation - Sitting (3:36)
StartPike Invert (2:53)
StartPike Air Invert (2:13)
StartSpinning Invert (1:00)
StartStraddle Invert (2:29)
StartStraddle Air Invert (1:48)
StartSwapping Legs Whilst Inverted (2:17)
StartThigh Hitch (2:32)
StartUnder Heel Footlock (2:02)
StartUnhooking Your Knee (2:07)
StartWrapping Your Leg (2:47)
StartWrist Lock Entries (2:54)
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Robyn and I'm the creator of Unique Aerialists. I have been training aerial hoop and aerial silks since 2012 and started teaching in 2014. Since then I have taught 1000's of students the joys of aerial. I run the Unique Aerialists community across our blog, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube pages.
I love to share my passion with aerialists from around the world!