Beginner Combinations Hoop
Step-by-step tutorials for beginner level combinations.
Beginner Combinations Hoop
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StartArabesque - Birdie - Side Star - Single Leg Cradle - Closed Delilah (3:34)
StartClosed Delilah - Candlestick - Closed Delilah (1:43)
StartClosed Delilah - Hocks (1:14)
StartCradle Single Leg - Birdie - Arabesque - Stag Seat (3:07)
StartFigure of 4 - Birdie - Half Millwheel - Closed Delilah (3:17)
StartGazelle - Angel Low - Open Delilah (2:19)
StartHorse - Horse (1:48)
StartMermaid Low - Angel Low - Reverse Angel - Candlestick - Delilah (2:42)
StartPoser - Stag Seat - Angel Low - Candlestick (2:56)
StartSplits Away - Double Splits Away - Splits Away - Owl (2:01)
StartStag Seat - Angel Low (1:39)
StartStag Seat - Poser - Figure Of 4 - Scissor - Secretary - Man In The Moon (2:48)
StartStar On The Bar - Mermaid (1:31)
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Robyn and I'm the creator of Unique Aerialists. I have been training aerial hoop and aerial silks since 2012 and started teaching in 2014. Since then I have taught 1000's of students the joys of aerial. I run the Unique Aerialists community across our blog, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube pages.
I love to share my passion with aerialists from around the world!